Dentures and Partials

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available; complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.

Complete Dentures

Complete dentures can be either “conventional” or “immediate.” A conventional denture is ready for placement in your mouth about eight to 12 weeks after your teeth have been removed and your gum tissue has begun to heal.

Immediate dentures are made in advance and can be positioned as soon as your teeth are removed. As a result, you don’t have to be without teeth during the healing period. However, bones and gums shrink over time, especially during the healing period following tooth removal.

Because more adjustments are required to fit you properly during the healing process, many consider this a disadvantage of immediate dentures compared with conventional dentures. Therefore, some patients chose immediate dentures as a temporary solution until conventional dentures can be made.

Partial Dentures

A removable partial denture or “bridge” usually consists of replacement teeth attached to a pink or gum-colored plastic base, which is connected by a metal framework that holds the denture in place in the mouth.  Partial dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain in the upper or lower jaw which can be used to support the partial.

Not only does a partial denture fill in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from changing position. A precision partial denture is removable and has internal attachments rather than clasps that attach to the adjacent crowns.

A fixed (permanent) bridge replaces one or more teeth by placing crowns on the teeth on either side of the space and attaching artificial teeth to them. This bridge is then cemented into place.

Dentures take about three to six weeks and several appointments.

The Steps are:

  1. Make a series of impressions of your jaw and take measurements of how your jaws relate to one another and how much space is between them.
  2. Create models, wax forms, and/or plastic patterns in the exact shape and position of the denture to be made. You will try on this model several times and the denture will be assessed for color, shape, and fit before the final denture is cast.
  3. Cast the final denture.
  4. Made final adjustments as necessary.


Most dental insurance providers cover some or all of the cost of dentures. We will contact your company to find out the specifics of what they will cover.

We work hard to gain and keep your complete trust and confidence. Dentures and partials require attention to detail and a thorough understanding of your needs. They are an investment in your comfort and wellbeing. Educating our patients is a fundamental part of our dental services. For more information on dentures and partials, call Dr. Ybee at 619-298-0821 or fill out one of the forms on any of our website pages. We’re here to take care of you.